Saturday, May 24, 2008

Thing #14 - Getting not-so-technical with Technorati

While exploring this topic an interesting theme popped up several times. It is on how businesses are dealing with social computing. Are they providing staff with a policy? What is in that policy?
One interesting question I came across on eLearning Technology Blog is "If our organization doesn't have an existing policy, is that a fundamental roadblock to using certain kinds of Web 2.0 tools as part of our eLearning 2.0 solutions?" Also on this blog was a link to several corporations blogging policies, such as Yahoo's (which states "blog at your own risk") and IBM's. So not only are corporations trying to incorporate and use web 2.0 with their employees but they also have to protect themselves from it.

I found some new blogs to subscribe to. I browsed the Top 100. I like Mashable and 43 Folders. I can see why these blogs are in the top 100! I felt that if I checked out every blog in the top 100 I would subscribe to them all. I turn down very few. Maybe I have to be more selective. It is so easy to hit that RSS Feed button. Lets see how I am with continuing to read them!

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