Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Thing #16 : Learn About Wikis

Overall I liked the wiki. I saved it in my del.icio.us becasue it is something I think I could use. I did find some useful information. Especially some links to websites and blogs. For example, I thought the Weeding Library Collections page had some good ideas and some useful sites of where to give books to instead of throwing them away or selling them. I thought there was a lot of useful content under "Libraries Circulating Games". It told you what library circulated video games, which games and/or consoles and the policy on it. Circulating video games seems to be a growing trend and if you were thinking of doing it at your library or writing a proposal that would cut down on a lot of research. I don't think I found anything I didn't like. However, there were some topics that didn't have a lot written on them yet. Such as the "Programs For Kids and Teens".
I like the ideas of wikis. I am on committes and workgroups where we have tossed around the idea of using wikis as a form of communication. In the past I used google docs with coworkers so we could add things and make changes. But i am now thinking a wiki would work much better.
I like that you can track changes so if someone takes something accurate away the info is stored and can be put back. I looked at several wikis and when I looked at all the people editing the page you realize how many cooks are in the kitchen and that makes me skeptical that all the info being posted is accurate. I think using wikis with the idea that you need to check the accuracy of info is great. I especially like when wikis link you up to websites and blogs. They help you find a wealth of information. The OCL wiki entry was really interesting!

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