Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Thing #17 : Play in the Sandbox

Playing in the sandbox was easy. I have used PBWiki before for work and it is really convenient. I think using the PB wiki for committees is a great form of communication and keeping things organized. I think using a PBWiki for my branch's youth services dept could be useful. There are 4 of us in the department and then we get some help form other staff members, but not on a regular basis. A PB wiki could organize all our homework links, community links- like the rec center and schools, and info about what we have happening in our department. What else is great about using the PB wiki is we could all add to it. So if I find a great homework site I could add it with out sending out an email to everyone or wondering where the email is that someone in my department sent me with a homework link. Having a PB wiki could be useful to the staff who help out in the department, but not on a regular basis. We could have book suggestions/reading lists on it or where we keep things so the people not in our department could find things. I think there are a lot we could do with this...as soon as I am done my challenge I am going to start one!

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